ECICOG writes and manages a wide variety of federal, state and philanthropic grants. Are there funding opportunities waiting for you?
FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
Due December 20th
The primary goal of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and non-affiliated emergency medical service organizations. Local governments must have an updated registration prior to applying for funds. For details on this grant program please visit the FEMA website.
UI College of Public Health Community Grant
Due January 13th
Non profits and local governments are encouraged to apply for grant funds up to $3,000 for public health initiatives. Funding programs can include healthy lifestyles, population health, addressing health disparities, workplace safety/wellness, community needs assessment, children and youth issues, healthy aging, arts and health collaborations, and sustainability of multi-generational livable communities. Additional preference will be given to projects that are focused on rural areas or address nutrition or food insecurity. Information on how to apply can be found at the UI Public Health website.
USDA Farm to School Grant Program
Due January 10th
USDA awards competitive Farm to School grants that support planning, developing, and implementing farm to school programs. USDA's Farm to School grants are an important way to help state, regional, and local organizations as they initiate, expand, and institutionalize farm to school efforts. Please visit the program website to learn more.
USDA Community Facilities Program
Applications accepted year round
This program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings. Funding available to communities with populations less than 20,000. More information on the program and how to apply can be found at the USDA website.
National Endowment for Arts Big Read Grant
Due January 23rd
The National Endowment for the Arts Big Read is a program that awards grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 to organizations. These grants support community reading programs designed around a single NEA Big Read book. In addition to funding for purchasing the books themselves, each grant recipient is provided with resources to help them succeed, including outreach materials and training on how to work with local partners and how to lead meaningful book discussions. More information on how to apply can be found at the NEA website.
Iowa Foundation for Parks Mini Grant
Due January 31st
The Iowa Foundation for Parks & Recreation Mini Grants are able to provide funding for leisure facilities, activities, events, or programs to promote and improve leisure opportunities and amenities for citizens in small Iowa communities with a population of 10,000 or fewer. Details and grant information can be found at this website
Community Catalyst Building Remediation
Pre-Application Due January 29th
The Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program assists communities with the redevelopment or rehabilitation of buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community. Funds available for the rehabilitation of one commercial building per community or two buildings with same ownership that are adjacent. Maximum grant award of $100,000 and the city must be the applicant and provide financial and/or in-kind resources. For more information contact Jessica Walker or visit the IEDA website here.
MidWestOne Foundation
Due January 31st
The MidWestOne Foundation supports non-profit groups, institutions, schools, and organizations that enhance the cultural well-being of the communities MidWestOne serves. The grants predominately support capital and building campaigns that benefit the greater good over time. More than 75% of awarded grants are under $20,000. More information can be found on the MidWestOne website here.
AARP Community Challenge
Applications will open January 2025
The AARP Community Challenge provides small grants to fund "quick-action" projects that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages. Many of last year’s winning projects support revitalizing communities adversely impacted by the pandemic and include a focus on diversity, inclusion and disparities. Other project focuses include creating vibrant public places, improving the built and social environment of a community, delivering a range of transportation and mobility options, and increasing civic engagement. Visit the AARP website for updates and to see projects funded last year.
Youth Garden Grant
Due December 15th, 2023
Since 1982, the Youth Garden Grant has supported school and youth educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for students and their communities. In 2024, fifty programs will receive award packages consisting of a cash prize and a variety of gardening tools and supplies. For more information, visit the kids gardening website.
Iowa Tourism Grant
Due September 27, 2023
This program promotes tourism in Iowa by funding tourism-related marketing initiatives that benefit both local economies and the state's economy. Applications are available annually. For more information, visit IEDA’s Travel Iowa website.
CDBG - Water & Sewer Fund
Due January 1, May 1 and August 1
Funds awarded through this annual competitive program assist cities and counties with Water and Sewer projects. Contact Alicia Presto at
Community Development Block Grants
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) announced the CDBG programs for FY24. Guidelines, scoring rubrics and informational webinars are available on the IEDA CDBG Website and details on certain CDBG programs are mentioned below:
Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Fund
Due November 22, 2023
The goal of this program is to provide economic opportunities and facilities for people, especially those of low- and moderate income. For more details contact
Downtown Revitalization
Due November 22, 2023
This program supports façade improvements in blighted downtown districts. Contact Tom Gruis at
Upper Story Housing Conversion
Due November 22, 2023
This opportunity provides up to $500,000 for the conversion of existing downtown building space into new residential units. Contact Tracey Achenbach at
Meet in Iowa
Applications reviewed upon receipt during 2023 30 days before event. Events can only be during 2023
For more information, visit the Meet In Iowa website.
IEDA Sports Tourism Grant
Due 90 days before tourism event
The Sports Tourism grant from the IEDA’s Enhance Iowa program will provide financial assistance for projects that market or promote sporting events in Iowa. Eligible sporting events include professional, collegiate and amateur level sporting events that occur in Iowa. Promotion/marketing activity can occur for up to two years. Cities, counties, Iowa not-for-profit economic development organizations or other Iowa not-for-profit organizations, including those that sponsor or support sporting events are eligible to apply for assistance of up to 50% of the eligible cost to actively promote or market an eligible sporting event. Eligible applicants can apply jointly. For more information, visit the IEDA website.
National Trust Preservation Funds
Due October 1st 2023
Grants from National Trust Preservation Funds (NTPF) are intended to encourage preservation at the local level by providing seed money for preservation projects. Visit the National Trust For Historic Preservation website to find additional information.
T-Mobile Hometown Grants
Quarterly, due March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
T-Mobile is committing up to $25 million over the next 5 years to support small towns across America by funding community projects. The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program will help fund projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections such as a town-square pavilion, a historic building, an outdoor park, a ball field or a library. For more information, visit the T-Mobile website.
Derelict Building Program
Due February 23, 2024
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources makes the Derelict Building Program available to Iowa towns of 5,000 or fewer residents to address neglected commercial or public structures that have been vacant for at least 6 months. This program is for applicants who are seeking funding assistance with conducting asbestos inspections, asbestos abatement, structural engineering analysis, phase I and phase II site assessments, building deconstruction, and building renovation expenses. For more information, contact Alicia Presto or visit the DNR Website here.
Paint Iowa Beautiful
Due February 14, 2025
Through a partnership with Diamond Vogel Paint, Iowa communities can receive paint for a variety of community enhancement projects, such as keeping up the appearance of our buildings and maintaining facilities and parks. Well-maintained and painted buildings reflect pride in communities, and enhance community well being. Thousands of gallons of paint have been donated to community groups through the Paint Iowa Beautiful program. For details on how your community can benefit from this program, please visit the Keep Iowa Beautiful grant website.
Enhance Iowa-Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT)Program
Due Quarterly on the 15th in February, May, August and November For more information, visit the Enhance Iowa Website
Funding for Transportation
People for Bikes
Due October 31st
The People For Bikes Community Grant Program supports bicycle infrastructure projects and targeted advocacy initiatives that make it easier and safer for people of all ages and abilities to ride. Click here for more information.
Community Spark Grant
Due Febuary 1st
The League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly America program awards organizations for projects and programs that spark change and catalyze a community’s ability to create places where bicycling is safer, easier, and more accessible. The desire is for organizations to propose projects that build Bicycle Friendly Communities and capacity for local leaders and influencers by uplifting the community and by creating inclusive coalitions that can shed new light on current issues. For more information, visit The League of American Bicyclists website.
Sign Replacement Program
Application received throughout the year!
The purpose of this program is to replace existing damaged, worn, obsolete, or substandard signs and signposts for cities and counties. Maximum grant for cities and counties is $5,000 and $10,000 respectively. Visit the DOT Website or contact Transportation Director Mary Rump with questions about the program.
The Outride Fund
Due November 11, 2023
The Outride Fund partners with community nonprofits to promote cycling as a tool to improve social, emotional, and cognitive health through grants that are focused on social, emotional, and cognitive health. Example projects include school-based cycling programs, trail construction projects in places where there is little trail access or for a specific community-based/school-based program, and educational programs. For more information contact Brenda Vavroch or the Outride Website.
Funding for Housing
ECIHTF Housing Programs
Applications accepted at any time
The East Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund (ECIHTF) accepts applications from local governments and qualified housing providers needing financial assistance to implement affordable housing projects that will address the mission of ECIHTF. Nonprofit, for-profit, and governmental entities are eligible to apply for funding assistance from ECIHTF for affordable housing projects located within the counties of Benton, Iowa, Jones, and Washington. For more information about ECIHTF and other ECICOG Housing programs, visit the ECICOG website or contact Housing Director Tracey Achenbach at
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling
Due December 20th
This grant funds projects that increase access to prevention, reuse, and recycling for communities that do not have current access. Examples of projects include upgrades to drop-off and transfer stations, purchase of recycling and sorting equipment, waste metering, trucks, and processing facilities. Upgrades to material recovery facilities (MRFs) such as optical sorters, artificial intelligence are also potential projects, as well as upgrades to composting facilities or anaerobic digesters to increase capacity for food and organics recycling. For more information please see the EPA website.
Community Forestry Grant
Due March 1st
The Community Forestry Grant Program provides reimbursable grants for state and local government, schools, and volunteer organizations to be used to purchase and plant trees suitable to Iowa. Award recipients in counties impacted by the August 10, 2020 derecho will be awarded state infrastructure funds and bring a dollar-for-dollar local match. A total of $250,000 in funds are available. Award recipients will be reimbursed $500 to $5,000 to buy trees and materials. More information can be found at the Iowa DNR website.
Iowa Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
Due March 18th
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) opened a new funding program to assist those interested in implementing community-driven strategies to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions through innovative energy efficiency measures or renewable energy deployment. The Iowa Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program is a competitive grant program to fund eligible local energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Visit the Iowa Energy Office website to find additional information or contact Environmental Services Director Alicia Presto.
Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program Notice of Intent
No Due Date
Later this year, FEMA is expected to announce the Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant program for FY 2023, including Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC). Projects submitted for consideration must be consistent with the goals and objectives identified in Iowa’s State Hazard Mitigation Plan and the approved local mitigation plan for the jurisdiction in which the activity is located. The BRIC grant provides an opportunity for communities to initiate shovel-ready mitigation projects that provide protection against natural hazards. Applicants with proposed projects located in a FEMA-identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) are eligible for funding only if the jurisdiction in which the project is located is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Contact Resource Specialist Alicia Presto for more information.
Solid Waste Alternative Program
January 2nd 2024 and July 1st 2024
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) works to reduce the amount of waste landfilled in Iowa through the Solid Waste Alternative Program (SWAP). SWAP provides financial assistance toward source reduction, recycling, and education projects such as installing waste reduction equipment, developing educational materials, or purchasing products with recycled content. Eligibility requirements can be found at the Iowa DNR website. Contact Alicia Presto for more information.
Wildlife Habitat Grants
Due November 30th and May 31st Yearly
The DNR offers 75% cost-share funding to County Conservation Boards for the acquisition and development of lands for wildlife habitat. Lands must be open to hunting and trapping. Only those compatible activities such as fishing, hiking, nature study, cross-country skiing, etc., will be permitted. Grant applications for wildlife habitat projects are received two times a year, the last working day in May and in November. For more information, visit the DNR website or contact ECICOG Environmental Director Alicia Presto.
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Due March 15 Yearly
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Program provides match funds of 50% for outdoor recreation area development and acquisition. Popular projects in recent years have included skate parks, playgrounds, new and renovated swimming pools, sport complexes, campgrounds, and multipurpose trails. Iowa's cities and counties are eligible to participate. Visit the Iowa DNR website for more information. Contact Environmental Services Director Alicia Presto at for additional assistance.
Alliant Energy Community Tree Planting Program
Due November 1st 2023
The utility provides grants for community-based, tree-planting projects - like parks, gateways, cemeteries, nature trails, libraries, nursing homes, schools and more.