This spring, the City of Ainsworth installed new playground equipment with help from a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which was written and administered by ECICOG. The funding was a supplemental appropriation for the CDBG program through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, whose purpose is to provide a resilient response to the recent pandemic. The City purchased and installed high-quality outdoor musical instruments and a playhouse structure that provide socially distanced play features.

The new equipment is located within the existing playground at the town’s municipal building, Ainsworth City Center, which is housed in the former elementary school. The project cost $40,500, with the CDBG grant covering all but $1,006 of the total. While CDBG - CARES Act grants are no longer available, Community Development Specialist Tom Gruis is available to discuss other CDBG opportunities.