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The Title VI Plan was established to carry out the East Central Iowa Council of Government’s (ECICOG) commitment to ensure that the most fundamental principles of equality of opportunity and human dignity are upheld in all decisions and in any activity or process as ECICOG conducts its business, sets its policy, delivers its projects, and provides its services to any member of the public that we serve.

As a recipient of Federal financial assistance, ECICOG instituted a Title VI Program to address nondiscrimination laws that impact transportation investment decision making. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, related statutes and policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, and disability in ECICOG’s programs, activities and services. The purpose of the Title VI and related statutes and policies is to ensure that public funds are not spent in a way that encourages, subsidizes or results in discrimination.

If you feel as though you have been discriminated against by ECICOG or any of our sub recipients, please fill out the Title VI Complaint Form.

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