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Up to $250,000 Available in Loans to Organizations or Entities for Linn County Housing Initiatives

The Board of Directors of the Housing Fund for Linn County (HFfLC) is making up to $250,000 available in loans to for-profit or nonprofit developers and businesses, and to governmental entities for housing initiatives that benefit households with income below 80 percent of the area median income (AMI) in Linn County.

Eligible activities include development, reconstruction or rehabilitation of rental and owner-occupied housing; homeownership and rental assistance; and financing for the preservation or development of transitional housing or homeless shelters.

Applications are available at or by request from Tracey Achenbach, Executive Director, at or (319) 289-0072. Applications are due at the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) office no later than 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2023.


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