RPA 10 is seeking input for the region’s first Active Transportation Plan. This Plan will focus on the non-automobile transportation network, including bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Visit our public input site at: https://www.talkto.ecicog.org/rpa10-active-transportation-plan
RPA 10
ECICOG also serves as the Regional Planning Affiliation serving Benton, Cedar, Jones, Johnson, Iowa, Linn, and Washington Counties except for the Corridor MPO and the MPO of Johnson County.
Region 10 Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA) was established in 1995. Iowa DOT established RPAs as an effort to provide for local government participation in the planning process. ECICOG serves as staff for RPA 10, which includes ECICOG’s traditional member counties and Cedar County. On behalf of RPA 10, the role of ECICOG is to staff transportation committee meetings; coordinate transportation planning activities for the region; prepare plans and studies, including a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP); support the application and programming process for projects that use federal transportation funds; and assist cities and counties with grant applications.
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and other nondiscrimination authorities, it is the policy of the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) that discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or income status shall not occur in connection with any of its programs or activities.

RPA 10 is governed by a Policy Committee consisting of 14 officials from member jurisdictions. The Policy Committee is responsible for establishing overall policy, making transportation planning-related decisions, prioritizing programming, and monitoring regional transportation conditions. Policy Committee representatives are appointed by the affiliated county boards of supervisors. The Policy Committee has established three advisory committees to assist in the planning process – the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC), the Regional Trails Advisory Committee (RTAC), and the Passenger Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC). Committee members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors from each affiliated county.

Committee Members
Policy Committee
Transportation Technical
Advisory Committee (TTAC)
Regional Trails Advisory Committee (RTAC)
Passenger Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC)
Tracey Seeman - Benton County
Gary Benson - Benton County
Brad Gaul - Cedar County
Rob Fangmann - Cedar County
Kevin Heitshusen - Iowa County
Chris Montross - Iowa County
Dawn Alam - Johnson County
Jon Green - Johnson County
Wayne Peach - Jones County
Jon Zirkelbach - Jones County
Brandy Meisheid - Linn County
Kirsten Running-Marquardt - Linn County
Bob Yoder - Washington County
Millie Youngquist - Washington County
Myron Parizek - Benton County
Ben Vierling - Benton County
Vacant - Benton County
Alex Anderson - Cedar County
Rob Fangmann - Cedar County
Steve Nash - Cedar County
Kevin Heitshusen - Iowa County
Nick Amelon - Iowa County
Matt Amelon - Iowa County
Ed Bartels - Johnson County
Jon Green - Johnson County
Paul Wittau - Johnson County
Derek Snead - Jones County
Todd Postel - Jones County
Brenda Leonard - Jones County
Garret Reddish - Linn County
Brad Ketels - Linn County
Carter Baldwin - Linn County
Jacob Thorius - Washington County
Dennis Murray - Washington County
Millie Youngquist - Washington County
Randy Scheel - Benton County
Vacant - Benton County
Mike Dauber - Cedar County
Rob Fangmann - Cedar County
Nick Amelon - Iowa County
Matt Amelon - Iowa County
Brad Freidhof - Johnson County
Becky Soglin - Johnson County
Brad Mormann - Jones County
Lisa McQuillen - Jones County
Randy Burke - Linn County
Ted Doscher - Linn County
Zach Rozmus - Washington County
Richard Young - Washington County
Mark Erickson - Benton County
Jessica Meyer - Benton County
Jon Bell - Cedar County
Julie Tischuk - Cedar County
Becky Fry - Iowa County
Marilyn Austin - Iowa County
Dawn Alam - Johnson County
Kelly Schneider - Johnson County
Jamie Ginter - Jones County
Lucia Herman - Jones County
Carter Baldwin - Linn County
David Thielen - Linn County
Cris Gaughan - Washington County
Jennifer Roberts - Washington County
Ex-Officio: Sam Shea, IDOT District 6 Office
Dakin Schultz, FHWA
Gerri Doyle, FTA
Meeting Minutes and Agendas
2025Coming Soon
2024Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: January 26 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: February 29 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: March 28 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: April 25 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: May 30 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: June 27 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: July 25 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: August 29 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: September 26 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: October 31 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: December 5
2023Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: December 7 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: October 26 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: September 28 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: August 31 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: July 27 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: June 29 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: May 25 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: April 27 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: March 30 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: February 23 Board Meeting Agenda and Prior Month Minutes: January 26
2022Board Meeting Minutes: December 1 Board Meeting Minutes: October 27 Board Meeting Minutes: September 29 Board Meeting Minutes: August 25 Board Meeting Minutes: July 28 Board Meeting Minutes: June 30 Board Meeting Minutes: May 26 Board Meeting Minutes: April 28 Board Meeting Minutes: March 31 Board Meeting Minutes: February 24 Board Meeting Minutes: January 27
2021Board Meeting Minutes: December 2 Board Meeting Minutes: October 28 Board Meeting Minutes: September 30 Board Meeting Minutes: August 26 Executive Committee: July 29 Board Meeting Minutes: June 24 Board Meeting Minutes: May 27 Board Meeting Minutes: April 29 Board Meeting Minutes: March 25 Board Meeting Minutes: February 25 Board Meeting Minutes: January 28
2020Executive Committee: December 29 Board Meeting Minutes: December 3 Board Meeting Minutes: October 29 Board Meeting Minutes: September 24 Board Meeting Minutes: August 27 Board Meeting Minutes: July 30 Board Meeting Minutes: June 25